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Hey there!  I would love to invite you to my community as we embark on a friendship!  On this podcast, I talk about real issues that come up in every day life and how to navigate with a heart postured to Jesus.

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When our hearts are postured to Jesus, we are postured to victory!  The reason I called this podcast "Called to LIVE", is because every part of me knows Christ came for us to live an abundant life and I want that for you.  This podcast gives me the opportunity to do what I love, which is to cheer you on to run after Jesus, no matter what.  I believe that no matter what life throws our way, we can still get up and do something good with it.  It might look messy.  It might be hard.  But you my friend have been anointed to do the hard things and shine to show everyone who lives in you.

Every Friday I upload a new episode.  I tackle subjects that create destructive patterns and strongholds that can prevent us from walking in our position and Kingdom call if we don't recognize them. I also talk about how to fortify your faith in the Lord.  It is my hope that as you listen, Holy Spirit use this tool to cheer you on and bring some coaching so that you can run your race with Christ with intention, skill, and determination.  


Because I want to build a community of women who run their race together, I would love it if you could meet me on my Facebook podcast page.  This is where we can talk about the episodes and we can find out more about each other.  Plus, who doesn’t need more support and encouragement in their life?  We all do!


You can find the podcast through Apple, Spotify or many other podcast platforms.  But if you prefer, here is the link to the podcast.  Don't forget to follow the show so that you don't miss an episode!

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